Friday, September 21, 2012


I'm officially at 2.5 days where I absolutely can NOT hold my head up no matter what I do. This is crazy. I remember when I was pregnant with Liliana that I had a couple hour bouts here and there where I just HAD to take a nap but this is going on 2.5 days!  

I was able to stay completely awake and coherent for about a 3-4 hour window yesterday at which time I thought I would try to continue going through all the old totes from when Li was a baby.. her clothes.. toys.. etc. But that just went from a mess to a nightmare.. I got about half way into it and walked away from it to come lay down. 

By the time DH got home I was waking up from another little nap and decided I was going to try to make dinner.. homemade gnocchi! And it was sooo good! But the second I was done with making it and eating it with the fam, I came in to lay down. That was 7pm. And I didn't wake up until just now.. 9:00 am. 

Well, I woke up when the alarm went off this morning but that was just so I could call in to work and let my boss know I wasn't going to be there and was right back to bed. I knew mom was off today because she went took a couple days off for my Uncle Kenny's funeral so I called her to see what she was up to. She told me that it was crazy how much sleep I was needing and to call the Dr. Now, to me that sounds silly because I just remember the fact that pregnant women need sleep! But I called anyway.. the nurse should be calling me back soon. 

Tonight we're supposed to be going to a "Star Party" at our local park.. they're going to have local professionals out with their telescopes for people to come watch the stars tonight.. Looks beautifully clear outside right now and it's expected to stay that way tonight. Should be a good time.. if I can stay awake for it! lol.. 

Until then, I'm going to hang out in bed.. maybe turn on the TV and see if I can watch it.. but that's about it for now. I should get up and get something to eat as I've lost 2 lbs in the past 2 days (157.4 right now) but I'm too nauseated. Good night, this baby is something special to be going through all this!!! 

A quick pic of someone who knows I'm sick and wants me to feel better - awe!!

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