Friday, September 7, 2012


Yesterday ended on a somewhat sour note.. I guess some things are building up on me and putting me in a sour mood. I really didn’t know how sour until I kinda sorta went off (not really “WENT OFF” but more got argumentative with..) a cop. Lovely.

While at my appt yesterday, I got called back by the U/S tech who was a megabitch, hands down. She wanted to argue with me about why I was getting the scan. I gently reminded her it was the office staff that made the appt, not me. She performed scan that was – if not less than - 10 seconds and said "You're fine. You can get up now." Well thank honey but don’t do me any favors.

I asked her what "fine" meant and if she could confirm only one little bean was safetely nestled inside. She said "You're measuring between 5 and 6 weeks and I don't know. Like I told you earlier, we don't do scans for results this early" and opened the door. She did give me a scan picture of my little bean so that was neat.

I went back to the waiting area and was called into a room by a woman.. She said "Hi I'm Sandra.. we've met. Scan looks good. Nothing to really tell. Surprised that we were able to pick up a heart beat so early but we did. Keep your initial appt and we'll see you then" and walked out..

I looked left.. I looked right.. and I’ll be damned if I didn’t scratch my head wondering who in the hell she was!! None the less, I was so “overjoyed” with everyone's attitude that I skipped the checkout desk all together. All I could think was "Well, ef you too!" Good night…
Went on back to work after my appt and finished up a somewhat busy day. Head out around 5ish and as I was on my way home, I got to thinking about some crap going on and just got frustrated. Well, that led to some huffy driving.. which led to a cop pulling me over.. which led to some not so good words and arrogance on my part.

When I got home, I snapped st my husband about a couple things and ended up going out with him to mow the law while he was weed eating. When I learned from that was 2 things.. 1. I shouldn’t be messing with a manual mower when pregnant. 2. Dear GOD that yard is bigger than I thought and we should really look into a riding mower!!!!

I went in after he took over the mowing duties, shower up, hung out with the short stack for a few, ate dinner and crashed. Overnight was a blur as I was up I can’t tell you HOW many times! Don’t think I’ll be drinking anything that late again..

Today I’m officially 6 weeks and for the love of all, I’m ready to CRASH! This little one has me spent already. My motto today is Gonna make it! Gonna make it! Gonna make it! Gonna make it!

My aunt has asked if we want to go have dinner with her Saturday night.. and a friend of mine has asked me to come to a BBQ at her house on Sunday.. This ia friend of mine I haven’t seen since Liliana was about a year old. We were actually very close once upon a time but with her being a wild child and me having calmed down significantly once DD was born, we didn’t have a ton in common much. We reconnected via facebook and phone calls so life continues.. She is dying to see how big Li has gotten, though. Big difference between 1 and almost 10 years old. Lol..

Here’s to a better day today and a better weekend!!

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