Monday, September 10, 2012


Whadda weekend!!

Well, Friday was a good old fashioned work day but that night I was jonesin' for my mom (lol) so I bugged her at work and asked her if she wanted to come play with my new fondue pot that I got at my bridal shower back in April. She was down for it! yay! I stopped at Hy-vee and picked up some Filet Mignons and twice baked bacon cheddar potatoes for dinner for the four of us.

Well, come to find out the fondue pot didn't come with the gel fire disc that was required so I ended up making the cheddar fondue on the stove and transferring it to the fondue pot for the table. After dinner, we all just chilled out in the sitting area and enjoyed chatting and literally playing around.. especially with the dog. Needless to say, I ran out of breath in under 5 minutes. lol.. Cool thing? DH stepped in and started playing with Li.. and I told him that that was one of the first times I've seen her really interact so playfully with her. It was awesome!

I woke up Saturday not feeling too wonderful.. my tummy was whirling like nuts. A part of me wondered if dinner from the night before didn't set well but I recalled that I didn't eat a ton and no one else's tummy had bothered them so it was probably just the baby making it's debut lol.. Mom came back by around 11:30 to take Liliana to her swim lessons. I usually go with them since it's just right up the street but for the love of all, I couldn't make it. I just wanted to lay down and veg! That's pretty much what I did.. for the next hour, DH and I laid down.. he rubbed my back and we played on the Internet, looking at baby bedding and cribs.

When mom got back from Li's swim lessons, she mentioned that on the drive up to the YMCA that she saw a bunch of people were taking part in the semi-annual city garage sale. Now, the city I live in is only about 4,000 people so it's kinda small but there's money here. I've never been a big garage sale type person but had a good time thumbing through people's things. As a people watcher, I liked getting the goods on my "neighbors" lol.. There was one thing that I ended up getting and couldn't have been happier with the steal I got it for! A $379 nursery glider and ottoman for... (drumroll please...) $35!!!!!!!!!! Hello, Mr. Dealmaker! :) We loaded it up into mom's SUV, grabbed some lunch and head on back home.

Here's the chair with it's upholstery that snaps off completely.. and a pic -with it all off and placed in the room that will become the nursery. :)

So after cleaning up Li from her swim classes, we got ready to head on out and have dinner with my family - my aunt usually get's myself/Li and my cousin Eddie together towards the end of August/beginning of September for a birthday dinner type thing.. This year I have a husband that I  brought and Eddie had a fiance and little cutie baby girl he brought. It was much bigger this year! lol.. We had dinner at an old classic called Cafe Italia. Not as wonderful as I remember but certainly still a good place to eat. Just so dang expensive!

After dinner, they all decide they want to see the new house so we single filed it up the highway to our new home to show it off. I made them promise to give me 5 minutes to go make the bed. lol.. And they did. ;) When they finally came in the front door, the baby (Addie) went CRAZY over Sami!!  (Sami is our dog). Her little giggles were just precious!!

The D-O-G.. :)

The night finally ended about an hour later when we pawned about 15 bottles of soda left over from the wedding off on our family guests. lol.. It was a super late night and I for one was ready to call it quits! Facebook and I met up for a few minutes and that was it for this mama. Lights out..

Sunday was a busy day! We got moving around 11:30am to get a old friend's house for their first watch party of the football season. They also just had their deck redone and turned their hot tub into a mini pool for the kids. lol.. We had amazing food and crazy awesome conversation.

Shortly after half-time, hubby and I got a phone call we were waiting all day for - our final pieces of living room furniture were in! YAY!!  We only had until 5 to go pick 'em up so my friend told me to leave DD there and come back when we were done.. The cool thing about her is that while we lost contact over the past 6-7 years, it was literally like old times.. we picked right back up where we left off! I love love LOVE friends like that!!

We took off to pick up the pieces, head on back home to drop them off and decided to stop at Babies R U on the way back to my girlfriend's house. We had seen a bedding set online that struck us and wanted to take a quick look in person. Glad we did - it was just as beautiful in person! I also, being the semi-sorta kinda crafty person that I am - got some ideas for the baby's room depending on the color scheme and theme we go with. As we were heading out, DH got caught up in the stuffed animal section haha! I asked him if he wanted to pick one to buy for the baby and of course he did.. :) He picked a gray and pink elephant.. I told him if you pick something with pink, you HAVE to pick something with BLUE! So he picked the hippo. Well then it didn't look right because it wasn't with a "neutral" lol.. So we added a monkey. Well then the last little guy in the set looked linely on the shelf all by his lonesome so I picked him up and added him to the brood. lol.. Mr. Giraffe. :)

The gang!!

We head on out and made our way back to my girlfriend's house at which time we spent just a few more minutes rounding up Liliana, packing up and saying our goodbyes. We came straight home, got the stinker back into the shower to clean up and they worked together to get the new furniture up in the living room. It looks AWESOME if I do say so myself!!

We're pretty dang happy with how the house is shaping up! :)

Today was a hard one to get up for.. back to the grind at work again. I usually get up around 5:45 but I'll be danged if I didn't sleep in until AFTER 6:10!!  Oops.. Guess someone has a case of the sleepies. hehe..

Tonight was some more playing around after dinner out at the bell.. and as I'm finishing this up, DGH is coming to bed. Looks like it's time to call it it a night. :D

 Till tomorrow a couple pics of fun! :)

The wild child with her silly bloody nose - AGAIN!

The "gang" found themselves a new home.. lol..

 The peanut that I forgot to add last week when I got a copy from the U/S appt.. 

And Li's grades to date - PLEASEEEEE  let them stay the same! LOL!!


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