I think somehow between last week and this week, I've lost track of a couple days! lol.. Everything is very much a blur right now but I've been promising an update so here it comes!
Work's been a little more busy than I want admit - as a salaried employee, I get some of the brunt when things go wrong. And could Friday not have been any worse.. I went in a tad early because I had an audit to catch up on and submit by the end of the day but that didn't happen. We were crusin along at a steady pace when at 4:00pm, BAM! what's called a "QC" (Quality Concern) came in from the company we supply to and with that, we were there until 9:30 pm going through our stock and certifying that it did not have the same issue that the QC was written for. I don't know about anyone else but I didn't want to be at work until 9:30 on a Friday night! Especially the night I was supposed to head out into the middle of Kansas to watch a friend's band play. Obviously that never happened. I'm excited to get to deal with this again tomorrow - NOT! UGH!
Liliana's nose is in a better place now, I believe! I got her an appt on Thursday (I think? :/ ) and the Dr. said her little nose was an infected mess! :( She believes the chlorine chemicals from the pool she takes swim lessons in could have been the start of the issue. Her little body is so dang sensitive that it just ate away at the membrane inside her nose for week after week until it got to a point it could not heal itself and keep on bleeding at the slightest little thing. We got her on a 5 day Z-Pak and she's on day four now of nothing.. no nose bleeds!! Yay!! :D
So now to the core of my week... My husband and I got married back at the end of June. There's no doubt in my mind that this is the man God wants me to be with. I am 110% sure this is my "soul mate".. my partner in crime.. the man of my dreams. lol.. But that's not to say that we won't have our marriage roads bumps. And I do believe this week's was a hard one. There's no real easy way to explain it.. it is indeed a complicated issue but here's the bottom line - before me, he had 2 poodles. They were everything I could not stand! Annoying by barking and whining all the time. Under my feet at all costs.. invading me space when I walked.. one of them growled at me when I went into MY OWN CLOSET to get dressed one day. That's fine if you wanna be territorial but not in MY house when I have to do what I have to do to get dressed and get to work.
While in the final months of wedding planning, it was getting stressful so we made arrangements for them to go be with his parents when they came back from their winter out of town vacation. That caused a LOT of friction between us. I get they they are his kids.. he rescued them many years ago and have been all he's known. My intention was never for him to say goodbye to them forever.. but it was to get them out of my way until we could either get through this wedding stress and get some behavioral changes. One example - before me, he would lay out puppy pads at his place and let them roam the house while he was at work and they could just go pee all over these laid out pads in the house. I refused to allow this when he moved in with me. I do not with mine and will not with his, encourage a dog to pee in the house under any circumstance. The dog can either be locked up in a room with tile that can be easily cleaned or stay in the garage while away at work but encouraging a dog to pee in the house was not going to happen under my roof.
Anywho... as time got closer to say the I DO's, we discussed them coming back when we moved into the new house. The one stipulation was that one of them had to get some behavioral therapy or on medication to calm her down. She was - and still is - a neurotic mess. He won't deny that. It's all in how you handle them. My being a neurotic mess, myself, it didn't mix well. I reminded him CONSTANTLY that I would like her to get to a doggie doctor and possibly on something before she came back. So it was no surprise when the time for them to come back to us came.. and went because nothing was done about her behavior and I said no.
Long story short.. DH hasn't wanted to be very affectionate or act a family man very much because he - as per his words - resents my decision about his poodles not being able to come live with us. This past week was the final straw for me when we hit the 30+ day mark without having been intimate with each other. I felt like I had a roommate and not a husband. And, not one to sleep with a roommate, I decided that I had enough. The way he was treating me was unacceptable and I wasn't going to take it anymore. I took my personal hygiene things to one of the upstairs bedrooms and stayed there for a couple nights. We chatted briefly throughout those couple of nights via email at work but nothing got accomplished conversation wise as it was very cold and callous. Now, my DH has text book Asperger's Syndrome. And that's a HARD thing to deal with for someone who had only heard of it before. I never knew anything about it or how challenging and clashing it would be to my personality. But I'm dedicated to this man because he is the right one for me.
He took an initiative on Friday and sent me a quiz to determine my "love language".. he was basically asking me what the best way to communicate with me is. I saw that as a big step! He was thinking outside the box. And I appreciated that like nothing else at that moment. What it all came down to was that I "moved back in" to our bedroom Friday night and we did a bunch of talking. His initiative was so meaningful to me that I started to think outside the box. We're financially fine.. we're not rich by any means but we have money. One thing he's expressed as an issue is that he'll never seen these pups again because his parents have moved to Florida. I let him know that I would be willing to pay for them to fly here for a couple weeks, every couple months.. and they could stay with us. Or pay for him to fly to where ever his parents had traveled to at any particular moment and he could stay with them and snuggle them up for an entire weekend.. Liliana and I would stay here and hang out with my family. Or if we knew they would be within an 8 hour driving window from our home one weekend, we could leave on a Friday night and go to them and he could love up on them the entire weekend and we could drive back late Sunday night. It wasn't that big a deal.. Basically, I let him know I wasn't afraid to think outside the box, too.
That set the preface for a good night. He promised me he was really could to work on forgiveness of his anger towards me for the decision I made to not have them at this house. I still can't come to accept having them here but I'm open to options. And that is what I think is going to allow us to make it - we're both willing to work at overcoming a difference. Giving up on him has never been an option! And because he's my husband and I love him, I'll work hard at being flexible to make him happy. :)
I'm proud to admit that not only has he become much more helpful in the past couple of days - I came home Friday night and all the dishes were done and laundry separated!!!! - but because this little bean has been making me nauseated as heck (Actually tossed a cookie Friday morning!!! lol), he's asking more what he can do for me. VERY much appreciated!!!
Liliana had her swim lessons again yesterday and we went to lunch with my mom while he stayed home and cleaned the house and watched his football game. At 3:15 pm, we took off for a birthday party that was in a local mall so we dropped her off and went baby shopping.. just looked around a bit and picked up some clothes for me. :) And last night.. we got to spend some quality time together. FINALLY! <3
So there's my update for the week - there's so much more but I'd hate to bore you with everyday stuff. hehe...
Oh! One last thing.. Wednesday I got this gorgeous bouquet at work - celebrating the one year anniversary since we first met. :) I love this man to pieces!!!!
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