Thursday, September 6, 2012


So last night on the way to DD's school skating party, I get a call from my OB office at about 540ish. Sounds like my blood work came back a little unexpected.. My HCG levels that they wanted to recheck after 48 hours to make sure they doubled, were pretty high for my progress.

She - Karen - said the first ultrasound usually isn't scheduled until you're at least a minimum 8 weeks due to not being able to see anything until then. That is when your HCG level should be approaching 9,000 - 10,000. (on avg). Mine is WELL over that, I guess. So what was supposed to be a 48 hr followup blood work appt at 11:10 this morning got cancelled and a 10 am ultrasound scan was scheduled. I'm sitting here waiting to be called back..

On the phone call last night she asked me if I was sure of my dates as the level is indicative of an 8-9 week pregnancy.... and I said that with the situation as it is.. all the OPK testing.. temping.. charting.. etc that I have done, there's NO way it could be any other way than what I say it is. DH and I didn't start BDing until we were married and that was just in June.. According to Fertility Friend, I was 3 days past my Ovulation date when we got married so we missed June. It was the July cycle that we caught the eggie (LMP 7/29).. I think I'm saying that right? So really only one opportunity and it happened. So I know my dates are right. I brought my chart printout in case they wanna check it out.

She said that because multiples are confirmed on both mine and DH's sides of the families, she can't say it's probable without a scan.. but says it's very possible.

I've done some reading and an extremely high HCG can also be a bad thing. Something about a mole pregnancy? I didn't get to far into that article.. just thought it best to stay off the internet until the scan today. And I pretty much have.

I'm so nervous either way.. What ever is in there, I just want it happy and healthy!

I'll update as soon as possible!

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