I spent this past weekend enjoying time with family and texting my little heart out with friends. So when today "happened", it was a sober wake up that play time was over! I did some shopping this past weekend and picked up dog food for the mutt.. Well, I asked Dh to bring in the dog food that was in my trunk and I'll be damned if he didn't leave it open. When I went to leave for work today, guess what?
Yuppers.. my car wouldn't start.
He graciously got his jumper cables out and got me going again - Go go gadget Honda! lol.. Unfortunately, my way was short lived as I ran out of gas. Seriously !?!?!
Finally get to the gas station and I'll be a monkey's uncle.. my debit card got declined. I did find out late that it was because I put in my old zip code. Which is a stupid idea anyway.
So I get moving on to work and I'm - obviously - late as heck. My boss is the coolest asshole I know so it wasn't a big deal. lol.. Our driver for the 9am pick up was there.. as was the 2 pm driver so I'm rushing like crazy to get everything ready.
Unfortunately, one pallet didn't get scanned. When I finally figured out which one of the 720 it was, it - of course - had to be the 4th one loaded into the truck. I had no choice but to have them all taken back out so I could reach the missed one. Something tells me the boss man was making up his own terms of endearment for me right about now. Oops!
So the missed pallet is finally reached. Did he bring that one out to me? Nope. I had to bring the laptop cart IN the truck to go to it. Did I mention he's a tool? Wouldn't ya know it, the wheel got caught in the space between the dock door and the truck edge, knocking the cart over. In turn, my laptop fell off the cart and flipped the wireless switch, resetting my wireless connection and causing my scanning program to shut down. I had to start back at number one. It was me who was making up words right about now..
Finally got done with that and received a call back from the Dr's office that I had called mid-morning about a bunch of cramping and whatnot.. they wanted me in "urgently" b/c as with DD, I'm Rh-Negative.. You can read more about it here if you don't already know about it. They ended up drawing blood to check my HCG levels.. I have a follow up appt on Thursday at 11:10 to get a re-check and make sure "the pregnancy is progressing as it should." I have no doubt it is. :)
So yeah, I'm wishing I could have a beer right about now.. Just one of those days..
Life 1
Adriana 0
Off to bed - tomorrow WILL be a better day!!!
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