Thursday, September 27, 2012


I think I'm dying. lol...

Ok, seriously.. I'm sooo flipping sleepy lately!!!  And it's putting me in a crazy, funky mood at night.

First off, I wanna show Liliana's new Dino.. Tracey.. in her new outfit. This is just TOO cute! :)  Is this not just hilarious!?!?

So last entry, I mentioned how me, Li and my mom had a girls night. It was awesome, in fact. :)  I forgot to take a pic of the "gift" I bought the baby.. Little hooded towels. Duckies!!

Sunday was another chill day.. I think we all kinda did our own thing. I wasn't feeling to much up to par so I napped on and off. I think DH and Li played computer games. Can't wait to start getting more energy back!  I did get a tad of it come that night.. Look what I got up around 7pm to make! lol.. 

Cheesecake cupcakes!!!

Monday rolls around and we have the JSOX (Japan Accounting Practices) auditors in town until Wednesday morning.. Talk about a blast. NOT!!!!!!!  They got in in the afternoon and with work as CRAZY busy as it's been, it was hard to really give them one on one attention but I had no choice. We did as much of them learning about our location processes as we could and called it a day around 5.. 

Tuesday rolls around and we get to talking about my pregnancy instead of work. lol.. We end up heading to Oklahoma Joe's BBQ for lunch because they don't have one in Texas ;) And for dinner than night, I invited them over to our home for appetizers and mindless banter. It really was a good time. :)

Wednesday was - DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNN!!!  My first prenatal appointment!!! :) All in all, everything is absolutely PERFECT. The little bean is measuring just under 1 inch.. has a heart rate of 170.. and was sleeping soundly when (s)he was scanned today.. 

The Dr. took some more history of me and some from DH and did an annual check cuz "I was overdue"  Ugh! lol.. But said the most wonderful words EVER.. "The chances of miscarrying right now are extremely.. just exceptionally low. Congrats again!" I told them because I track my cycles and BBT, my due date was calculated at 5/3/13.. she said I'm measuring -2 day per the scan but that wasn't a biggie. So I'm keeping with 5/3 for now!

Here's one of the pics of little baby Johnson!

Here's some free stuff the Dr's office gave us.. 

And a shake DH and I shared for lunch after our appointment. :)

Today was my semi-annual evaluation with the boss. Can I just say he can be a true ass? :(  I told DH I wanted a laid back, low key night snuggling up with my family.. So we ordered Pizza Hut and chowed down. My kinda night.. just wish it would have started before 7pm because I left work so damn late. Grrrr!!! 

Tomorrow is Friday - 9 weeks and TGIF! :D I can't complain.. :)

Saturday, September 22, 2012


Today was a FANTASTIC day!!!!

So yesterday when the Dr. office called back, they basically said all what I thought they would.. the overly tiredness is just part of the baby game. My mom is such a worry wart. lol.. I spent most of the day either sleeping or puking. That sucked :( The fifth - and last - time for the day was in the grocery store when mom and I went to go pick up a pizza and ginger.. Pizza for the family dinner and ginger to a tea for me. lol.. Sure enough, the second I walked into the store, BAM! The smells hit me and I lost it. God love the girl in the store.. she was such a sweetie with getting me some clean bags to carry with me!

I actually started to feel a little bit better after that last vomit session and was able to eat half a slice of pizza with the family. When dinner was done, we head on out - the 4 of us - to the city's Star Party at the local baseball field. It was a GORGEOUS night and we had a blast looking through professional level telescopes. I asked the other 3 to get together towards the end of the night and.. well just check out the pics below and you'll see how THAT one ended up! LOL!!!

Liliana getting ready to get her jacket on..

Checking out a view of Mars.. 

 Mom checking out the Moon..

Another star check..

The park.. 

LOL.. Oops! ;)

So when we got home from the Star Party, Li decided she wanted to stay the night with her Nani.. which was fine with us. We haven't had a night off for quite some time. Finally around 10:45, my appetite came roaring back so I got up to make some nachos with sweet peppers and DAMN were they good! lol.. 

Today we got up and literally just lounged around until the mid afternoon. Li had gone to her swim lessons and mom decided to just take her with her to her hair appointment and then come back up to drop her off. Well, as they were at her hair appointment, Li and I texted lol.. She asked if she could go to the T-Rex restaurant and I said if Nani wanted to go, too, we could and make it a girl night. She said as long as I was paying, she would go. lol.. No biggie.. I agreed. :) So that's what we did tonight!

Overall today was a great day of nothing but relaxation and girl time. :) I had minimal to no nausea and absolutely NO vomiting. It was a GREAT day! :)

Here's some pics from our girls night tonight. :D

Li with her new Dino from the T-Rex place. It's like a Build-A-Bear but you make Dinos. :)

Dino stuffing..

Dino love! :)

 Mommy and Li with her new Dino, Tracy.

Nani, Lili and Tracy in the Ice Room of the restaurant.. 

Dinner time..

Someone thought they were gonna get away with bunny ears.. but got tickles instead. ;)

Her good grades got her a treat from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Company.

OMG are these not the CUTEST shoes????  I sooo wanted them but couldn't see spending 45 bucks when I had no where to wear them right now. But they were fun to try on! :)

So, that's my weekend so far - I really hope tomorrow is as smooth sailing as today. :)

Friday, September 21, 2012


I'm officially at 2.5 days where I absolutely can NOT hold my head up no matter what I do. This is crazy. I remember when I was pregnant with Liliana that I had a couple hour bouts here and there where I just HAD to take a nap but this is going on 2.5 days!  

I was able to stay completely awake and coherent for about a 3-4 hour window yesterday at which time I thought I would try to continue going through all the old totes from when Li was a baby.. her clothes.. toys.. etc. But that just went from a mess to a nightmare.. I got about half way into it and walked away from it to come lay down. 

By the time DH got home I was waking up from another little nap and decided I was going to try to make dinner.. homemade gnocchi! And it was sooo good! But the second I was done with making it and eating it with the fam, I came in to lay down. That was 7pm. And I didn't wake up until just now.. 9:00 am. 

Well, I woke up when the alarm went off this morning but that was just so I could call in to work and let my boss know I wasn't going to be there and was right back to bed. I knew mom was off today because she went took a couple days off for my Uncle Kenny's funeral so I called her to see what she was up to. She told me that it was crazy how much sleep I was needing and to call the Dr. Now, to me that sounds silly because I just remember the fact that pregnant women need sleep! But I called anyway.. the nurse should be calling me back soon. 

Tonight we're supposed to be going to a "Star Party" at our local park.. they're going to have local professionals out with their telescopes for people to come watch the stars tonight.. Looks beautifully clear outside right now and it's expected to stay that way tonight. Should be a good time.. if I can stay awake for it! lol.. 

Until then, I'm going to hang out in bed.. maybe turn on the TV and see if I can watch it.. but that's about it for now. I should get up and get something to eat as I've lost 2 lbs in the past 2 days (157.4 right now) but I'm too nauseated. Good night, this baby is something special to be going through all this!!! 

A quick pic of someone who knows I'm sick and wants me to feel better - awe!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Does your brain ever run a million miles an hour? lol.. Mine sure has been!

How and I going to get all my work done?
Why am I running behind on everything?
What about the budget?
Where's the baby going to go to daycare?
How's LI doing in school?
When's my next Dr appt?
Did I take a shower today? LOL!

Yes, really.. ;)  I guess the preggy brain is starting!  I forgot that I had run DH's clothes through the washer on a special stain remover cycle - 2 days again! So now it's running again on a sanitize cycle. lol.. I've officially lost it!

Speaking of losing it.. today was a little rough in the work department. I'm one with a high work ethic. No bones about it.. I work when I don't want to and even will when I don't have to. I'm expected to put in a minimum 45 hour work week and I push it to 47ish or more most weeks. I want to show I'm a team player, willing to stick around and get done what needs to get done.

But honestly, even that isn't enough time to get stuff done. So when I was faced with my final deadline for a TS Audit (ISO / Automotive stuff), and it wasn't done on time, my boss was none to happy. As if I was?!?!  Sheesh!  With that conversation today about time management, I was soo on edge it wasn't even funny. With as tired and run down as I feel right now, I was going to dip into my 160 hours of sick time and go home. Never happened. In fact, the 4:30 quitting time stretched to 6:30. There was just too much to get done. We're starting up a new contract with Ford so it's a nightmare right now. Busy busy busy! Bust that wasn't what threw me over the edge. Wanna know what was?  A flipping soda. lol.. (I laugh NOW! ha!)  No, seriously! I went into the break room after my "talking to" to find my soda that I bought on the way to work GONE! Straight up ganked off the table!

Now here's the deal.. I'll give the last dollar I don't have to someone if they truly need it and ask for it. But to steal it right out from under me is unfathomable. I'll bust some ass like no one's see before!  That's just not right.. period. And of course what do I do?

1. Make the boss was 30 minutes of fast motion video to see if he can find out who did it.

2. Cry.

Yes, cry. I did it. I'm not a terribly easy crier but man when you push the right buttons, I can let 'r loose. And I did. And got laughed at, too. But damn it that was MY Dr. Pepper! lol!!

Last night I asked DH on my way home from work if he wanted to meet me at the ATT store.. He has a Galaxy S II and I have an iPhone. I'm an iPhone freak. Luuuuuuuuuuuuurve my iPhone!  So I wanted to see if mayyybe there was something I was missing in another phone that I wasn't getting in mine. The market right now says the S III is the "superior" to the IP5.. and I wanted to see it for myself. DH was, of course, drooling over the S III. And I was drooling over the 4S lol.. (I have the 4 only right now.) So I can only imagine what the 5 is going to be like!  I was in that store for over an hour playing with that Samsung phone and just couldn't wrap my head around it for the life of me. He kept down-playing the IP until I finally asked him to stop.. I needed him to be neutral for a minute. He tried.. but failed. lol..

We decided to go out to dinner and I could play with his phone and see what I thought about it. So, we be-bopped across the street to Smokehouse BBQ - heaven! ha-low!! - and I played with it for all over 10 minutes. I hated it. In my mind, I'm set on the IP 5. I couldn't get it out of my head how badly I want it. So, that's about where that issue stands!  I'll probably only go for the 8GB (I think?) that's $199. I really don't need much more.. I don't think? lol.. I have the 32 GB right now and it's just plain silly how much room is left over. I might want to double check that. Just to make sure. ;)  I have no issue with getting the $299 if it's what I need.

So, not much more going on in life right now.. Thursday's going to be a pretty sad day. :(  My Uncle Kenny who was police chief in Gardner passed away in recent days. Just a huge heartbreak for all of us. He was such a neat guy! But one who definitely lived his own life. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Sad, yet wise, words.

Chose your sword carefully, friends!

Sunday, September 16, 2012


I think somehow between last week and this week, I've lost track of a couple days! lol.. Everything is very much a blur right now but I've been promising an update so here it comes!

Work's been a little more busy than I want admit - as a salaried employee, I get some of the brunt when things go wrong. And could Friday not have been any worse.. I went in a tad early because I had an audit to catch up on and submit by the end of the day but that didn't happen. We were crusin along at a steady pace when at 4:00pm, BAM! what's called a "QC" (Quality Concern) came in from the company we supply to and with that, we were there until 9:30 pm going through our stock and certifying that it did not have the same issue that the QC was written for. I don't know about anyone else but I didn't want to be at work until 9:30 on a Friday night! Especially the night I was supposed to head out into the middle of Kansas to watch a friend's band play. Obviously that never happened. I'm excited to get to deal with this again tomorrow - NOT! UGH!

Liliana's nose is in a better place now, I believe! I got her an appt on Thursday (I think? :/ ) and the Dr. said her little nose was an infected mess! :(  She believes the chlorine chemicals from the pool she takes swim lessons in could have been the start of the issue. Her little body is so dang sensitive that it just ate away at the membrane inside her nose for week after week until it got to a point it could not heal itself and keep on bleeding at the slightest little thing. We got her on a 5 day Z-Pak and she's on day four now of nothing.. no nose bleeds!! Yay!!  :D

So now to the core of my week... My husband and I got married back at the end of June. There's no doubt in my mind that this is the man God wants me to be with. I am 110% sure this is my "soul mate".. my partner in crime.. the man of my dreams. lol.. But that's not to say that we won't have our marriage roads bumps. And I do believe this week's was a hard one. There's no real easy way to explain it.. it is indeed a complicated issue but here's the bottom line - before me, he had 2 poodles. They were everything I could not stand! Annoying by barking and whining all the time. Under my feet at all costs.. invading me space when I walked.. one of them growled at me when I went into MY OWN CLOSET to get dressed one day. That's fine if you wanna be territorial but not in MY house when I have to do what I have to do to get dressed and get to work.

While in the final months of wedding planning, it was getting stressful so we made arrangements for them to go be with his parents when they came back from their winter out of town vacation. That caused a LOT of friction between us. I get they they are his kids.. he rescued them many years ago and have been all he's known. My intention was never for him to say goodbye to them forever.. but it was to get them out of my way until we could either get through this wedding stress and get some behavioral changes. One example - before me, he would lay out puppy pads at his place and let them roam the house while he was at work and they could just go pee all over these laid out pads in the house. I refused to allow this when he moved in with me. I do not with mine and will not with his, encourage a dog to pee in the house under any circumstance. The dog can either be locked up in a room with tile that can be easily cleaned or stay in the garage while away at work but encouraging a dog to pee in the house was not going to happen under my roof.

Anywho... as time got closer to say the I DO's, we discussed them coming back when we moved into the new house. The one stipulation was that one of them had to get some behavioral therapy or on medication to calm her down. She was - and still is - a neurotic mess. He won't deny that. It's all in how you handle them. My being a neurotic mess, myself, it didn't mix well. I reminded him CONSTANTLY that I would like her to get to a doggie doctor and possibly on something before she came back. So it was no surprise when the time for them to come back to us came.. and went because nothing was done about her behavior and I said no.

Long story short.. DH hasn't wanted to be very affectionate or act a family man very much because he - as per his words - resents my decision about his poodles not being able to come live with us. This past week was the final straw for me when we hit the 30+ day mark without having been intimate with each other. I felt like I had a roommate and not a husband. And, not one to sleep with a roommate, I decided that I had enough. The way he was treating me was unacceptable and I wasn't going to take it anymore. I took my personal hygiene things to one of the upstairs bedrooms and stayed there for a couple nights. We chatted briefly throughout those couple of nights via email at work but nothing got accomplished conversation wise as it was very cold and callous. Now, my DH has text book Asperger's Syndrome. And that's a HARD thing to deal with for someone who had only heard of it before. I never knew anything about it or how challenging and clashing it would be to my personality. But I'm dedicated to this man because he is the right one for me.

He took an initiative on Friday and sent me a quiz to determine my "love language".. he was basically asking me what the best way to communicate with me is. I saw that as a big step! He was thinking outside the box. And I appreciated that like nothing else at that moment. What it all came down to was that I "moved back in" to our bedroom Friday night and we did a bunch of talking. His initiative was so meaningful to me that I started to think outside the box. We're financially fine.. we're not rich by any means but we have money. One thing he's expressed as an issue is that he'll never seen these pups again because his parents have moved to Florida. I let him know that I would be willing to pay for them to fly here for a couple weeks, every couple months.. and they could stay with us. Or pay for him to fly to where ever his parents had traveled to at any particular moment and he could stay with them and snuggle them up for an entire weekend.. Liliana and I would stay here and hang out with my family. Or if we knew they would be within an 8 hour driving window from our home one weekend, we could leave on a Friday night and go to them and he could love up on them the entire weekend and we could drive back late Sunday night. It wasn't that big a deal.. Basically, I let him know I wasn't afraid to think  outside the box, too.

That set the preface for a good night. He promised me he was really could to work on forgiveness of his anger towards me for the decision I made to not have them at this house. I still can't come to accept having them here but I'm open to options. And that is what I think is going to allow us to make it - we're both willing to work at overcoming a difference. Giving up on him has never been an option! And because he's my husband and I love him, I'll work hard at being flexible to make him happy. :)

I'm proud to admit that not only has he become much more helpful in the past couple of days - I came home Friday night and all the dishes were done and laundry separated!!!! - but because this little bean has been making me nauseated as heck (Actually tossed a cookie Friday morning!!! lol), he's asking more what he can do for me. VERY much appreciated!!!

Liliana had her swim lessons again yesterday and we went to lunch with my mom while he stayed home and cleaned the house and watched his football game. At 3:15 pm, we took off for a birthday party that was in a local mall so we dropped her off and went baby shopping.. just looked around a bit and picked up some clothes for me. :) And last night.. we got to spend some quality time together. FINALLY! <3

So there's my update for the week - there's so much more but I'd hate to bore you with everyday stuff. hehe...

Oh! One last thing.. Wednesday I got this gorgeous bouquet at work - celebrating the one year anniversary since we first met. :)  I love this man to pieces!!!!

Monday, September 10, 2012


Whadda weekend!!

Well, Friday was a good old fashioned work day but that night I was jonesin' for my mom (lol) so I bugged her at work and asked her if she wanted to come play with my new fondue pot that I got at my bridal shower back in April. She was down for it! yay! I stopped at Hy-vee and picked up some Filet Mignons and twice baked bacon cheddar potatoes for dinner for the four of us.

Well, come to find out the fondue pot didn't come with the gel fire disc that was required so I ended up making the cheddar fondue on the stove and transferring it to the fondue pot for the table. After dinner, we all just chilled out in the sitting area and enjoyed chatting and literally playing around.. especially with the dog. Needless to say, I ran out of breath in under 5 minutes. lol.. Cool thing? DH stepped in and started playing with Li.. and I told him that that was one of the first times I've seen her really interact so playfully with her. It was awesome!

I woke up Saturday not feeling too wonderful.. my tummy was whirling like nuts. A part of me wondered if dinner from the night before didn't set well but I recalled that I didn't eat a ton and no one else's tummy had bothered them so it was probably just the baby making it's debut lol.. Mom came back by around 11:30 to take Liliana to her swim lessons. I usually go with them since it's just right up the street but for the love of all, I couldn't make it. I just wanted to lay down and veg! That's pretty much what I did.. for the next hour, DH and I laid down.. he rubbed my back and we played on the Internet, looking at baby bedding and cribs.

When mom got back from Li's swim lessons, she mentioned that on the drive up to the YMCA that she saw a bunch of people were taking part in the semi-annual city garage sale. Now, the city I live in is only about 4,000 people so it's kinda small but there's money here. I've never been a big garage sale type person but had a good time thumbing through people's things. As a people watcher, I liked getting the goods on my "neighbors" lol.. There was one thing that I ended up getting and couldn't have been happier with the steal I got it for! A $379 nursery glider and ottoman for... (drumroll please...) $35!!!!!!!!!! Hello, Mr. Dealmaker! :) We loaded it up into mom's SUV, grabbed some lunch and head on back home.

Here's the chair with it's upholstery that snaps off completely.. and a pic -with it all off and placed in the room that will become the nursery. :)

So after cleaning up Li from her swim classes, we got ready to head on out and have dinner with my family - my aunt usually get's myself/Li and my cousin Eddie together towards the end of August/beginning of September for a birthday dinner type thing.. This year I have a husband that I  brought and Eddie had a fiance and little cutie baby girl he brought. It was much bigger this year! lol.. We had dinner at an old classic called Cafe Italia. Not as wonderful as I remember but certainly still a good place to eat. Just so dang expensive!

After dinner, they all decide they want to see the new house so we single filed it up the highway to our new home to show it off. I made them promise to give me 5 minutes to go make the bed. lol.. And they did. ;) When they finally came in the front door, the baby (Addie) went CRAZY over Sami!!  (Sami is our dog). Her little giggles were just precious!!

The D-O-G.. :)

The night finally ended about an hour later when we pawned about 15 bottles of soda left over from the wedding off on our family guests. lol.. It was a super late night and I for one was ready to call it quits! Facebook and I met up for a few minutes and that was it for this mama. Lights out..

Sunday was a busy day! We got moving around 11:30am to get a old friend's house for their first watch party of the football season. They also just had their deck redone and turned their hot tub into a mini pool for the kids. lol.. We had amazing food and crazy awesome conversation.

Shortly after half-time, hubby and I got a phone call we were waiting all day for - our final pieces of living room furniture were in! YAY!!  We only had until 5 to go pick 'em up so my friend told me to leave DD there and come back when we were done.. The cool thing about her is that while we lost contact over the past 6-7 years, it was literally like old times.. we picked right back up where we left off! I love love LOVE friends like that!!

We took off to pick up the pieces, head on back home to drop them off and decided to stop at Babies R U on the way back to my girlfriend's house. We had seen a bedding set online that struck us and wanted to take a quick look in person. Glad we did - it was just as beautiful in person! I also, being the semi-sorta kinda crafty person that I am - got some ideas for the baby's room depending on the color scheme and theme we go with. As we were heading out, DH got caught up in the stuffed animal section haha! I asked him if he wanted to pick one to buy for the baby and of course he did.. :) He picked a gray and pink elephant.. I told him if you pick something with pink, you HAVE to pick something with BLUE! So he picked the hippo. Well then it didn't look right because it wasn't with a "neutral" lol.. So we added a monkey. Well then the last little guy in the set looked linely on the shelf all by his lonesome so I picked him up and added him to the brood. lol.. Mr. Giraffe. :)

The gang!!

We head on out and made our way back to my girlfriend's house at which time we spent just a few more minutes rounding up Liliana, packing up and saying our goodbyes. We came straight home, got the stinker back into the shower to clean up and they worked together to get the new furniture up in the living room. It looks AWESOME if I do say so myself!!

We're pretty dang happy with how the house is shaping up! :)

Today was a hard one to get up for.. back to the grind at work again. I usually get up around 5:45 but I'll be danged if I didn't sleep in until AFTER 6:10!!  Oops.. Guess someone has a case of the sleepies. hehe..

Tonight was some more playing around after dinner out at the bell.. and as I'm finishing this up, DGH is coming to bed. Looks like it's time to call it it a night. :D

 Till tomorrow a couple pics of fun! :)

The wild child with her silly bloody nose - AGAIN!

The "gang" found themselves a new home.. lol..

 The peanut that I forgot to add last week when I got a copy from the U/S appt.. 

And Li's grades to date - PLEASEEEEE  let them stay the same! LOL!!


Friday, September 7, 2012


Yesterday ended on a somewhat sour note.. I guess some things are building up on me and putting me in a sour mood. I really didn’t know how sour until I kinda sorta went off (not really “WENT OFF” but more got argumentative with..) a cop. Lovely.

While at my appt yesterday, I got called back by the U/S tech who was a megabitch, hands down. She wanted to argue with me about why I was getting the scan. I gently reminded her it was the office staff that made the appt, not me. She performed scan that was – if not less than - 10 seconds and said "You're fine. You can get up now." Well thank honey but don’t do me any favors.

I asked her what "fine" meant and if she could confirm only one little bean was safetely nestled inside. She said "You're measuring between 5 and 6 weeks and I don't know. Like I told you earlier, we don't do scans for results this early" and opened the door. She did give me a scan picture of my little bean so that was neat.

I went back to the waiting area and was called into a room by a woman.. She said "Hi I'm Sandra.. we've met. Scan looks good. Nothing to really tell. Surprised that we were able to pick up a heart beat so early but we did. Keep your initial appt and we'll see you then" and walked out..

I looked left.. I looked right.. and I’ll be damned if I didn’t scratch my head wondering who in the hell she was!! None the less, I was so “overjoyed” with everyone's attitude that I skipped the checkout desk all together. All I could think was "Well, ef you too!" Good night…
Went on back to work after my appt and finished up a somewhat busy day. Head out around 5ish and as I was on my way home, I got to thinking about some crap going on and just got frustrated. Well, that led to some huffy driving.. which led to a cop pulling me over.. which led to some not so good words and arrogance on my part.

When I got home, I snapped st my husband about a couple things and ended up going out with him to mow the law while he was weed eating. When I learned from that was 2 things.. 1. I shouldn’t be messing with a manual mower when pregnant. 2. Dear GOD that yard is bigger than I thought and we should really look into a riding mower!!!!

I went in after he took over the mowing duties, shower up, hung out with the short stack for a few, ate dinner and crashed. Overnight was a blur as I was up I can’t tell you HOW many times! Don’t think I’ll be drinking anything that late again..

Today I’m officially 6 weeks and for the love of all, I’m ready to CRASH! This little one has me spent already. My motto today is Gonna make it! Gonna make it! Gonna make it! Gonna make it!

My aunt has asked if we want to go have dinner with her Saturday night.. and a friend of mine has asked me to come to a BBQ at her house on Sunday.. This ia friend of mine I haven’t seen since Liliana was about a year old. We were actually very close once upon a time but with her being a wild child and me having calmed down significantly once DD was born, we didn’t have a ton in common much. We reconnected via facebook and phone calls so life continues.. She is dying to see how big Li has gotten, though. Big difference between 1 and almost 10 years old. Lol..

Here’s to a better day today and a better weekend!!

Thursday, September 6, 2012


So last night on the way to DD's school skating party, I get a call from my OB office at about 540ish. Sounds like my blood work came back a little unexpected.. My HCG levels that they wanted to recheck after 48 hours to make sure they doubled, were pretty high for my progress.

She - Karen - said the first ultrasound usually isn't scheduled until you're at least a minimum 8 weeks due to not being able to see anything until then. That is when your HCG level should be approaching 9,000 - 10,000. (on avg). Mine is WELL over that, I guess. So what was supposed to be a 48 hr followup blood work appt at 11:10 this morning got cancelled and a 10 am ultrasound scan was scheduled. I'm sitting here waiting to be called back..

On the phone call last night she asked me if I was sure of my dates as the level is indicative of an 8-9 week pregnancy.... and I said that with the situation as it is.. all the OPK testing.. temping.. charting.. etc that I have done, there's NO way it could be any other way than what I say it is. DH and I didn't start BDing until we were married and that was just in June.. According to Fertility Friend, I was 3 days past my Ovulation date when we got married so we missed June. It was the July cycle that we caught the eggie (LMP 7/29).. I think I'm saying that right? So really only one opportunity and it happened. So I know my dates are right. I brought my chart printout in case they wanna check it out.

She said that because multiples are confirmed on both mine and DH's sides of the families, she can't say it's probable without a scan.. but says it's very possible.

I've done some reading and an extremely high HCG can also be a bad thing. Something about a mole pregnancy? I didn't get to far into that article.. just thought it best to stay off the internet until the scan today. And I pretty much have.

I'm so nervous either way.. What ever is in there, I just want it happy and healthy!

I'll update as soon as possible!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Ei yi yi.. what a DAY!!!

I spent this past weekend enjoying time with family and texting my little heart out with friends. So when today "happened", it was a sober wake up that play time was over!  I did some shopping this past weekend and picked up dog food for the mutt.. Well, I asked Dh to bring in the dog food that was in my trunk and I'll be damned if he didn't leave it open. When I went to leave for work today, guess what?

Yuppers.. my car wouldn't start.

He graciously got his jumper cables out and got me going again - Go go gadget Honda! lol.. Unfortunately, my way was short lived as I ran out of gas. Seriously !?!?!

Finally get to the gas station and I'll be a monkey's uncle.. my debit card got declined. I did find out late that it was because I put in my old zip code. Which is a stupid idea anyway.

So I get moving on to work and I'm - obviously - late as heck. My boss is the coolest asshole I know so it wasn't a big deal. lol.. Our driver for the 9am pick up was there.. as was the 2 pm driver so I'm rushing like crazy to get everything ready.

Unfortunately, one pallet didn't get scanned. When I finally figured out which one of the 720 it was, it - of course - had to be the 4th one loaded into the truck.  I had no choice but to have them all taken back out so I could reach the missed one. Something tells me the boss man was making up his own terms of endearment for me right about now. Oops!

So the missed pallet is finally reached. Did he bring that one out to me? Nope. I had to bring the laptop cart IN the truck to go to it. Did I mention he's a tool? Wouldn't ya know it, the wheel got caught in the space between the dock door and the truck edge, knocking the cart over. In turn, my laptop fell off the cart and flipped the wireless switch, resetting my wireless connection and causing my scanning program to shut down. I had to start back at number one. It was me who was making up words right about now..

Finally got done with that and received a call back from the Dr's office that I had called mid-morning about a bunch of cramping and whatnot.. they wanted me in "urgently" b/c as with DD, I'm Rh-Negative.. You can read more about it here if you don't already know about it.  They ended up drawing blood to check my HCG levels.. I have a follow up appt on Thursday at 11:10 to get a re-check and make sure "the pregnancy is progressing as it should." I have no doubt it is. :)

So yeah, I'm wishing I could have a beer right about now..  Just one of those days.. 

Life 1
Adriana 0

Off to bed - tomorrow WILL be a better day!!!

Monday, September 3, 2012


Howdy! So it begins...

Ya know, if you had told me a year ago that I'd be married and on my way to being a mama again, I'd have told you that you were crazy! Certifiably, in fact. None the less, here I am - a married woman, on my way to being a mom again! :)

Where to begin..

I think it all started back on Labor Day, September 5th, 2011. I got an email from some guy who was randomly wanting to say hello. I responded.. a day later, he responded to my response. And then I responded.. We met for the first time on Friday, September 9th and the rest is history. We knew there was something there as we started talking about the rest of our lives together within 2 weeks.

On December 19th, 2011 we took the plunge and bought the engagement ring he had picked out a month earlier. As it was custom made, it didn't come in until Friday, January 6th, 2012. We went to dinner with my daughter and mom to celebrate and afterwards when we got back home, he asked my mom for her permission to marry me. She approved and he proposed. :)

The engaged couple..

The next couple of months are a blur as we prepared for a June 22nd wedding. And that's exactly what we had; a beautiful, summer wedding that could not have been more perfect! Everyone we loved and cared about was there to share our day with us.. we honestly could not have asked for anything more!

A few snapshots of our stunning wedding day..

Also in the chaos of planning a stellar summer wedding, we got wild hairs starting mid-February with a house hunt and decided we were going to not only buy a house but build one. WTH we were thinking, I don't know but once we started in on that little adventure, there was no going back. We looked for a number of weeks and actually toured a number of homes that peaked our interest but none were 100% of what we craved for our new lives. Come Sunday, March 11th, everything fell into place and an, unknown to us, under construction home we saw on the internet had us up and running to go see it at 9am on a Sunday morning. Timing as we knew it was perfect as the moment we cupped our hands to peer into the wood framed windows, the Realtor happened to be driving by and asked us if we would like to go inside. 

We. Fell. In. Love. It was so much of what we wanted! Ironically enough, the builder, Realtor and our Realtor were all able to meet that evening to discuss modifying the floor plans to make a house like what we saw into a home of our own. What we found out was there there was only one plot left in the subdivision that was big enough to build the home we were dreaming of and it was not spoken for yet. If this wasn't a sign that it was meant for us, I don't know what was. :)  The next week we signed and processed pre-purchase paperwork and checked for groundbreaking every day until we started seeing the land move. Friday, March 23rd started a whole new chapter for us.

Our home building pictures can be found here.. but here's the "finished" outside -

We ended up closing on our home the DAY before our wedding. Stress? What stress? I was building and buying a home and getting married.. what stress? hehe..

As Christians, my husband and I decided (more him than me, dag nab it!) we were going to wait until we were married to have sex. Hardest. Thing. EVER! But we did it.. We spent the first month having fun as newly weds and decided it was time to get to business. Little did I know there is such an exact science to having a baby! So many variables and factors have to be lined up and God has to have his hand in it, as well.

I was blessed with the knowledge I found on the internet to learn so much about charting, OPKs and timing that on the first month of trying, we succeeded!!

Here are some pics of our OPKs and BFP chart from TTC #1!
CD 11 and 12 have an AM and a PM tinkle stick. The black dots correspond to having DTD those days.

As annoying as taking my temperature every morning was, I did it knowing it would pay off in the end. And it did. :)

We got out first BFP on 8/19/12 which was at 9DPO at 7pm.

I tested again with FMU on 8/20/12 around 4:30 am.. as if YOU would be able to sleep, either. lol.. Now at 4:30 in the morning, when you see this and stare at it for at LEAST 30 minutes in disbelief, what would you do?

You buy a FRER test, duh! LOL!!  This was that FRER taken at 7:22am.

And just when you think it's too good to be true, you take a digital test at 14 DPO so there's NO mistaking what you're seeing. lol.. And there wasn't. :)

So, here it is.. Labor Day, 2012.. one year (though not to the day) that I met my husband and we're 5 weeks and 3 days pregnant. My gut tells me it's a little man in there but I guess we'll find out soon enough! It's that time, though.. start taking the weekly pics so I can reminisce about how "flat" my tummy used to be. lol.. 

Week 5 - taken 08.31.12

This is what happened just a few days later, though.. YIKES!!!

Today has been one of the first where I can't hold my head up to save my life! I fell asleep on Saturday night at 8:30pm because I guess it was just that kind of day but woke up at 5:30am Sunday morning. So, not a ton of sleep but I guess what I needed. Today I'm glad I had off work. Work up technically at 8:00am but went back to sleep on and off until I finally woke up for the day at 2:45pm. I feel sorry for DD because I haven't been awake to do much with her. But I explained why I'm so sleepy and that it's for the good of her little brother or sister. She rubbed my tummy - too cute!  We're chillin in bed watching Jurassic Park right now.. I think I'm going to grab a bite to eat and cuddle with her for the rest of the evening. 

Till next time! :)