Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Life is getting just a LIT-TLE rough these days. lol..

How crazy to believe that in just a very short 1.5 days, I'll be 24 weeks pregnant.. Unbelievable! This week has been a huge roller coaster! Monday was crappy at work.. but I left early for a Dr. Appt.. only bad thing about that is that I was off Tuesday so all the unfinished business stayed with me until I went back today. BLAH!

So ok.. here's life. :)

This past Saturday we had to other couples come over for dinner.. we ended up doing a sub bar type thing. :)  Each couple brought some bread, meat and cheese and hubby and I provided the same on top of condiments and hosted at our place. It was soo cool.. we had a great time with dinner.. then did some Christian couple chatting.. then played Outburst. OMG that game is SOO fun! :)

Monday was the ugh day at work and my 24 weeks appt. Dr. said everything was looking awesome except my weight.. according to her, I've put on a little more than I should.. but she's not taking into consideration that when I found out I was pregnant, I came off a medication that when I did that, I gained almost 10 lbs in less than 2 weeks.. I was 178 (per home scale) up from about 157 when I stabilized from the medicine gain. So really up only about 21lbs which isn't horrible considering I'm over halfway done! Well that just sent me into a crying spell.. as if my depression isn't already kicking my ass these days. :(

I have my next appt on Feb 7th and do my glucose test and then (gulp) I start bi-weekly appointments!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Every 2 weeks!?!?!?!?! AHHHHHH!!  This little man is gonna be here before I know it!!!

Tuesday I took a day off work to be a host mom for a field trip from Lili's school.. I'll have to upload some pics.. it was a cute time! But man oh man was I worn out!!

Today was back to work day and just was a bawling fest.. :(  I hate feeling crappy and like so many things are wrong. Blah!

Let me see if I can upload some pics of some clearance items I've bought for baby boy - which we have a name for now!!! - and some pics of Liliana's field trip.. :)

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