Sunday, February 10, 2013


Oopsie! I was reminded this morning about my blog and that it hadn't been updated in a few. (blush) Whoops! lol..

Time is ticking away!!  I hit 28 weeks this past Friday.. Had my 28 weeks appt and of course the dreaded Glucose test - to which I'm quite sure I passed because no one has called me back. :) YAY!  On top of that, some other things from this appt include..

1. First time ever that they took my BP a couple times because it was high.. Dr said "the top" number was higher than he wanted to see but the "bottom number" was just fine. He didn't say what they were and of course like a dunce, I didn't ask. But, I called back Friday morning and asked b/c I felt like a dunce not knowing.. It was 148 / 64. I guess that's high for me since I'm usually in the 120s but not enough to truly worry about, I suppose. The Dr. made funky faces when discussing it but didn't ask me to come back for a recheck or anything. Maybe just a fluke? (shrugs)

2. I'm measuring 30 weeks. At my appt I was technically (according to the initial US) 27 w 4 d so they took the measurements twice.. crazy!!

3. I've gained 8lbs since the last appointment. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! Up a total of 40 lbs now!! So much for keeping it under 35lbs the whole pregnancy! lol.. Hubby said weight gain is to be expected.. but God love him, he said it's all baby and he can't even tell I've gained much weight in other places. He's so sweet! lol..

4. Rh shot went a-ok! Glad it's over.. I'm not a shot fan. ;)

5. Since I'm in an "odd" week, I go back in 3 weeks to get onto an "even" schedule then continue on with every 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW! :D Things are moving right along!

In other news.. For the past 9.5 years, my daughter has been in limbo land with the word "dad". Her biological one hasn't wanted crap to do with her so it's just been she and I. Anytime there was a "daddy" function, my uncle would step up and be the man in her life.

A month ago, she proudly asked her "dad" (hubby) to be her date to her school's annual Father / Daughter Dance. The dance was last night.. I couldn't be more proud of these two!!!!!  I'm soooo blessed!! :D What a great guy he is.. Of course I have my moments - what marriage doesn't! - but I'm in full belief this is the man God picked for me. :)

Here's a couple pics of them before they left.. he even took her to McDonalds for a daddy, daughter dinner. :) Look at her smile in the pic of the two of them!!!  When she's happy, I'm happy. Love it!

This past week I gave the baby shower invitations to my co-worker who said she would be mailing them out soon. I can't believe it's about that time - a BABY SHOWER!!!  March 2nd - it's creaping up in just a couple of weeks!!!There's a blue dress I found at that I might order. It's super pretty! Very simple though.. I want simple this time. lol..

But coming up before then is our elective 4D / HD Live ultra sound appt. One hour of scanning over our little man and a video of it all with unlimited pictures in "color" (sepia, I'm sure) as keepsakes. That's coming up this Friday, the 15th. Sooo exciting!

Had the LOVELY conversation starter with my boss this past week about my time off of work. The Dr. "ok'ed" 6 weeks off which is what I believe they do medically for vaginal birth but with little man not being here yet, we don't have dates set in stone. He (the boss) was all over my taking only 6 weeks.. until I asked him if he was opposed to 8-10. He said he was not opposed but we would have to talk to HR. I think he'll ok the 8 but not the 10. And knowing it will be completely up to him to decide what is ok, I need to be careful so he doesn't spite me with only 6 approved. That would piss me off horrifically! The thing that irks me now is that I've elected to pay for 12 weeks of supplemental income from Aflac based on the fact our corporate HR says they like to follow FMLA practices.. which says 12 weeks are available.   We'll see how it all plays out but I have this feeling it'll be 8 weeks post postpartum.  Wonder if I could finaggle some time off BEFORE baby gets here. hehehe.. Sad to say but I know it would piss him off so I want it that much more. lol..

The baby name front has taken a twist this past week, as well! lol.. I thought we had finally decided on Austin Alexander as the baby's name but hubbs says he's not so sure. It's still in first place but we had tossed out Grayson and Aiden but they got booted within 24 hours because of the "popularity" they have come in the past year or so. Hubbs is still considering Bram.. he won't let it go. So I guess I'll consider it, too.. maybe a little more than I want to. lol.. But being his probably only child, I want him to have a little more say so. I think it'll either be Bram Alexander or Austin Alexander for our son's name. Maybe we'll wait till he's born and see what he looks like. :) Here's hoping not too many more names get tossed into that pool to choose from. lol..

February 28th at 4:20 is my next baby appt.. WOW - Almost March!!!!!!!!!!!! Which is almost April.. which is almost my month!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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