Sunday, January 27, 2013


One of my chat board friends started a thread today about being prepared for baby.. where you stand right now, kind of question. And for it, I had two responses.. 

Re. work - 
I take ONE day off and all hell breaks loose :(  They aren't detail oriented and don't dive into the level of work that I do to get a job done right.. When I was off for 2 weeks because I got married, I was dealing with residual issued for 3 MONTHS afterwards... I'm QUITE nervous about taking 3 MONTHS off. 

What I refuse to do is be "on call" for them if they need help.. either you get a schedule worked out for me to be available or you leave me alone COMPLETELY.  I'm head of Quality and he's wanting our only HR rep to do my job.. she's begged and pleaded with him (the boss) to hire someone because she it straight up telling him she can't do it. But he refuses.. 

This is going to get VERY messy.

Re. personal feelings - 
With each day that passes, I have a greater and greater feeling that Austin will be here in April.. so I'm lurking more here (not that I didn't already). :)

I'm pretty much a roll with it kind of girl.. and with this little man, that hasn't changed. I suppose that I'll be as ready as I'm going to be with what time and resources I have. 

We have diapers and a car seat to bring him home as well as a couple bottles of formula in the event that I can't BF at first.. with that in mind, everything else, DH could go get.. but we already have clothes and body wash and towels etc. 

I'm not terribly concerned about the things on my registry since we could go without them and improvise if we didn't have them and he came.. 

So.. to answer the OP question, other than work which I can't control their inability to be ready, I'm feeling very at peace right now. Ready for baby.. ready for labor.. ready for a new chapter in my life to begin. :)

Friday night was a big "blow up" night in our home.. I was telling a good friend of mine that it was one of those, I'm so angry I can't even yell! type moments. I'm really hoping it cleared some things up between DH and I.. And honestly, I'm ready to get back on anti-depressants. It's been REALLY rough. :(

Last night was an AWESOME time in Lawrence for a girlfriend's bridal shower.. but the events of the night started when I was on my way home. My back started pulsing – again. Like 2 weeks ago when I woke up in the middle of the night with contractions. So I drove a little faster.. then my front started spasming.. it never got tight or hard like a contraction would make it.. but it was pinging.. That’s about the only word I can use to describe it. Odd, I know.. so being an hour away from home scared me cuz I didn’t know what to expect. By the time I made it home, I was hurting pretty bad. I called down to DH to let him know I was home and just a slap in the face, I realized what I was feeling was the same back pain I had with DD the night before she was born. I immediately jumped into the shower and let the hot water just flow over my back to relax my muscles. I could feel Austin moving around quite a bit, too.. so I’m not sure if it was something he was doing that was making all this happen or if all this happening was making him move but there was a LOT of activity.

About 35 minutes after I got into the shower, I decided I was feeling better and it was ok to get out and into bed. I called my mom to let her know what was going on and it was about that time DH came upstairs.. I didn’t think the bug him about it just because I knew it was probably nothing.  But he heard the phone conversation and was like.. “What’s going on??” so I let mom go to tell him. Mom says I should call the Dr if it starts back up again, even remotely.. but so far today, nothing. I felt like I had just run a marathon after that incident last night was over so I crashed pretty fast – and that’s what happened with DD, 10 years ago. It wore me out!!  Not sure what exactly was happening but am VERY glad it’s over!

Aside from all that, I was up ALL night with acid reflux.. I finally went to the garage to get the Tums from my purse at 3am (that was in my SUV lol) but even they didn't help any. Plus with all the tinkling I had to do, last night was just plan ‘ol shot to hell. Lol..

Today I’m in bed, taking it easy.. DD went with my mom last night to hang out so I’ll pick her up later today. But other than that, just taking it easy! :)

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