Sunday, March 10, 2013


Things seem to be coming together!  Here's some more pics.. 

Me at the baby shower.. 

DH and the dog getting ready for bed - just thought this was too cute. lol.. Sami loves her "daddy"! lol.. 

Our closet that is rapidly being taken over with baby boy stuff.. hehe.. 

Baby bedding all ready to go - even though he won't be up there for a while..

Me, mom and Li went to Houlihans for lunch yesterday and Li got a completely dolled up Pink Lemonade. lol.. She also enjoyed her Calamari. Where does this kid get this stuff from? SQUID? Eww! LOL!!

Getting more decor ready for "Bram"'s room..  I'm pretty sure that's going to be his name. DH loves it.. my mom loves it.. eh.. I'm not IN love with it but it's cute and doable. :)

Car seat = INSTALLED!!

Went to Target last night with mom and picked up a few more outfits for the baby.. with only 5-7 to get through summer, I didn't think that was enough.. now with two new shorts to go with the few outfits, I think we're good to go.. those can just go over the onesies. :)  I bought my Moby Wrap finally - YAY!!!

Still need to get over to my aunt's to pick up the bouncy that they bought for the shower.. and get the changing dresser put together. 

Other than that, all is done! WHEW!!  Good thing because I'm COMPLETELY exhausted!!!  Sometimes I wonder what the hell I'm doing.. another child - 10 years later??  I don't even have energy for my 9 year old right now! LOL!!

Tick tock....

Sunday, March 3, 2013

03.03.13 ~ Baby Shower + More!!

I couldn't ask for a better turn out.. day.. company.. loved ones.. Just absolutely WONDERFUL! I am beyond blessed..

Here's some pics of both what I got at the baby shower, what my mom and SIL and I went to go buy on a girl's night out last night as well as stuff that is still on it's way that people bought from the registry. :)

Hang with me.. this is gonna be a LONG one with pics!!

The day of the Baby Shower!

The things that are still in the mail and on their way..

Things I bought on our girls night out after the shower. :) There was a ton more but here's some of it... 

The in-laws wanna buy this when it comes back in stock so we're watching for it. :)

Here's DH putting the Pack-N-Play together, it in place in our bedroom, the first load of laundry and getting the little man's section of our closet all ready!!