Saturday, October 27, 2012


Nausea... No Nausea.. Nausea.. No Nausea...

I reallllly wish that Baby J would make up his/her mind on if he/she wants me to be sick or not. :(

Had my 12 weeks appt yesterday - which was really 13 weeks.. Everything was perfect! Very uneventful.. Heart Rate was found the second she put the doppler on my skin and measured a healthy 151 BPM. :)

I was looking back in Li's journal I kept when pregnant with her and I started feeling better at 19 weeks.. I also started feeling her move at 19 weeks. I'm thinking it would be nice to start feeling better - and feel movement lol - before then. My next appointment is at what will be 17 weeks.. I'm QUITE sure I'll be feeling baby by then.

Started looking into my medical leave for when baby is born.. Ugh.. I really hate working for a company that doesn't offer FMLA.. but I can't complain because I have a job.. As of right now, it's looking more like I'll take 10 weeks.. assuming AFLAC will be paying out as expected.. which means I'll have to have the baby a little early.. about a week or so.. but baby decides when baby wants to come so it's kinda out of my hands. lol..

Mom and I are taking Li to go see Hotel Transylvania today but other than that, it's going to be a quiet weekend. YAY!!

Friday, October 19, 2012


Warning to all – this is most likely going to be a TMI post!

Ei yi yi these past couple of days! Lol.. So we all know that last weekend on Sunday I got sick before the amusement park.. and that was the first time in a LONG while. I've been nauseated for quite some time but not actually throwing up. So anywho.. Wednesday I just so happened to get sick. It wasn't a normal sick but it was a blood and bile sick right as I was brushing my teeth, of course... kinda stringy like it had mucous in it, too. Ironically, I guess it was a little strong because as I was wrapped in my towel from the shower and at the sink with it was coming up, I could hear tinkle hitting the bathroom floor. Now that has never happened before.. :( I guess things are just changing already. And not for the better! Wow..

So mid-morning I mention it to my boss and he asks me if I’ve called the Dr. Well, no, b/c I guess I just didn't think it was that kind of big deal. I call anyway and with the bloody vomit on top of the menstrual type cramps, they wanted to see me. Off I went.. Long story short, I guess I've been forgetting to go poo. (blush) OOPS! She said there was an extreme amount of fecal matter built in my colon. We talked about the method to attack the issue and I was on my way. I checked out and was on my way back to work..

I got to thinking of ways that I could get the poo line moving other than laxatives.. but I was going to wait until the next day JUST to make sure nothing was going to start moving on it’s own.. The cramping was kinda bad so I knew I had to take some kind of action.

Thursday morning was cramp city :( I got some bum juice and thought maybe that would get it out.. no go. It was too far up there. Surely coffee would take care of the issue! I mean, I crap like a champ when I drink coffee! I downed 2 cups and… nothing. I finally gave in at lunch time and got some laxatives at CVS.

I took two, as recommended on the box, and thought since it said that I would be getting some relief in 8-12 hours, I had a while. FAIL! Within one hour, the crap cannons started firing. But it wasn't a ton.. Oh well.

Last night at dinner I got to thinking that what did come out really wasn't all that much so because the Dr. said to take between 2-3 doses per day, I could give it another go. Dinner was around 6:30 and I took 2 more. 7:30 came and went.. 8:30.. 9:30.. 10:30.. 11:30!!! Nothing. I finally said screw it and went to bed. I guessed the 8-12 hour statement was gonna be true this time.

I couldn't have been more wrong!!!! 1:15am.. BAM!! Fire in the hole..

2:00am.. 2:20am.. 3:00am.. 3:15am.. 5:00am.. and 5:20am.. They really weren't nuggety, chunky cannons anymore. They were liquefied.. and BAD! You ever wake up with your eyes bulging out because you JUST changed the sheets and were scared you were gonna have to change them AGAIN because of liquid poo? Yeah that was me..

Needless to say, I didn't sleep worth a crap last night.. No pun intended :( Tonight is going to be a different story. I didn't take any today.. Lord knows there couldn't be any more in there to come out!!!!! So I just kinda continued life as usual today by eating normally. There was a little bit of blood in some of the stool today but I think that was because of all the poking and prodding I did yesterday.. residual.

Honestly, I’m flipping glad that’s all over. I think I’ll be monitoring the poop situation a LOT more from here on out. C’mon 2nd trimester.. This mama’s ready to start feeling better!!

Monday, October 15, 2012


Life has been just kind of coasting lately.. Not a ton of exciting stuff to wrote about. I've been on the verge of feeling better but that all came to an end yesterday.. I ate breakfast and went to take a bath and no sooner did I get in and relax in the sun's rays that were coming in through the frosted window blocks when... yup, it all came back up. Twice. Ugh..

That didn't stop me and DH from taking DD out, though. lol.. We ended up going to the amusement park.. last time for the year and it was simply beautiful out! Here's some pics from the day!

And then tonight I finally got to helping DD bring out the Halloween stuff out and put up in the house.. here's some pics of that. She's a happy girl now! I feel bad we hadn't had a chance to do it sooner but I've been DRAINED!

As a side note, when I came home from work today tearing up about how stupid busy and jumbled it is there, DH said..  "Well, with me having 4 more days off a month now, you don't have to worry about the house. Not one, single thing!"

God. Bless. Him!!!!

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Ok so DH and I have been talking about wanting a new SUV before the baby gets here next year because I had a Honda Civic and with it being the smallest Honda out there, it wasn't going to cut it with a hubbs and new baby. I had a 2 door sports car with DD when she was in a car seat and I'd rather walk on glass than to do that again. So back on the 3rd, a friend of mine I met about 12ish years ago when I bought my Ford (Car before the Honda..) called me out of the blue the week before. Well, he's a little on the freaky side of life (I used to be a little more crazy and "free" with my days.. ) so I avoided his calls over the years. But.. when I was off a couple of weeks ago, he happened to call and I saw the called ID and recognized the number.. annnnnnnd, I answered the call and bull shit with him for a bit.

So I recalled part of that conversation that he no longer works for "The Man", he now has his own car lot.. wellll... I shot him a text and asked him what he sold. He said used only but has friends at the Honda, Chevy.. AND TOYOTA stores!! I told him my concern about the BS of a salesman and my inability to do "stupid" and that we didn't wanna pay 35K for a vehicle..

He asked if I knew what I wanted so I told him.. Toyota RAV 4 - Limited Edition - V6 - Leather/Moonroof package.But here's the kicker - I want it for the right price. He said he would "find one at the Toyota store tomorrow".

I'll be damned if he didn't have one with my name on it for the price we wanted coming in between the 9th and 15th of this month!  Crazy enough, Thursday night (the 4th) Li didn't have school on Friday the 5th so as we were on our way to drop her of at my uncle's house, we stopped at the Toyota dealer "just to look" lol.. 

Wellll.... we ended up getting rid of this.. 

And coming home with this...

Here's DH keeping the garage emergency string thing (so technical lol) from scratching it.. 

And DD's newest Dino seat belted in safely. lol.. 

Teeheehee.. I'm totally in love with it. :)  I won't be AS MUCH when we have to start making the car payments in November but whatever.. we have the money and I wanted the SUV. ;)

Saturday rolls around and it's downright FREEZING out! Maybe mid to upper 40's? And of course that's the one day that mom scheduled to make good on Liliana's birthday present - to go horse back riding. Of course I couldn't go (she pitched a FIT!!) because what would I do if I fell off the horse and got hurt or the baby got hurt  (eye roll).. She's CRAZY protective of everything she loves.. Which I get but geeze!!  So I went with her and Li and my cousin who actually went on the trail ride, too, so DD wouldn't be alone. 

Here's some pics from that event. :)

And the uber cool soap from the car wash that got all the "back, country road" grime off the brand spankin new SUV! lol.. 

Afterwards, we went to eat and I head on back home. DH and I were supposed to have a date night but honestly speaking, I couldn't hold me head up and neither of us felt like fighting the crowds at the movie theater on a Saturday night. So we went this morning.. plus it was half price. That made us happier. ;)

Here's two pics I took on our way out the door.. looks like everything is growing! YIKES!!

Afterwards, we ran a couple errands, one being to get dog food. Did you know that dog food runs you $300 at Walmart!?!?!?!  I'm never going with him again! LOL!! We ended up getting new floor mats (to go over the Toyota RAV 4 ones), dual 9" DVD players for Liliana (and the new baby one day) and the charcoal grill he wanted was on clearance so we picked it up. I told him we were officially broke and had to go home! lol.. 

We ran by my uncle's house a little bit later tonight and picked up my baby girl and came on back home right about her bedtime. Now that she's snuggled up under the covers, I do believe it's going to be my time to get one more load of laundry movin and get my happy self to bed, too. 

Until next time! :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I'm alive! I'm alive! I promise! lol..

Ok something has happened at work.. my boss is in a deviently good mood since my semi-annual eval. I don't wanna know and I'm not asking..

There's only one way to chase away your blues.. and I present that one way to you! lol..

This past weekend was, literally, a blur. I took Li to her swim lessons but that was about all I could handle. I slept a TON!!!!!!  Talked to my mom some.. mayyyyybe got one or two loads of laundry done (maybe lol) and that's about it. DH is being a big ass baby with his stuffy nose.. and being a jerk. God, what was I thinking! lol..

Other than that, it's been relatively quiet around here. A couple days ago, I started craving cotton candy.. what a crazy craving lol.. So look what I went and bought! (blush) At least it was on clearance! ;)

The one I bought first, though, was obviously a display because it only had half the box contents in it. Well, I called around to 2 other stores until I found one that had a non-display and had them hold it. I picked it up over lunch and stinky girl and I played with it tonight. We had a blast! :)

That's about where life stands right now.. kinda boring! lol.. :)

Oh! A random pic of Li.. she calls it "Sunshine" :)